You will receive personal attention from a highly experienced lead engineer that will oversee all aspects of your project. At PBA, creating value is not a separate service. Rather, it is built into our process of engineering new structures. We are consistently looking for efficient ways to frame buildings, suggesting changes that will preserve the architecture and result in simpler construction, and engineering buildings that are safe and cost effective.

By providing site observations at the right stages of construction, we can save the owner and contractor valuable time, effort, and money. Observed deficiencies are often simpler to repair if they are discovered at the right stages. We focus on major structural elements, such as hardware prior to pouring concrete, and connections of significant framing members. We can tailor our observation program to meet your internal quality control needs, the requirements of the jurisdiction, and your lender requirements.

Producing high quality construction documents is at the core of PBA’s business. We have the experience of thousands of completed projects and are routinely praised for creating documents that not only convey the necessary information, but do so in a way that adds value and efficiency to the construction process. It is our opinion that, when in doubt, a detail should be added to clarify the construction as clarity of SMP drawings results in smooth construction processes.